HOUSTON - Donald Trump is stressing that he's not a politician during his closing statement at Thursday night's GOP debate.
The billionaire businessman said in the last debate before the Super Tuesday contests that, "nobody knows politicians better than I do. They're all talk, they're no action, nothing gets done." He says when it comes to issues like trade, building up the military, taking care of veterans and replacing the president's signature health care law, "I will get it done. Politicians will never ever get it done."
Marco Rubio says "the time for games is over." He closed the debate in Houston much the same way he began it, by saying the election is about the future of the Republican Party and askng people to join him. He says the "silliness" and "looniness" of the primary must come to an end.
Ted Cruz used his closing statement to remind voters of his vow to investigate Planned Parenthood and bring to an end "persecution of religious liberties." He also promises to "rip to shreds" the nuclear deal with Iran and move the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich says he hopes viewers see that executive experience matters. Kasich is the last governor standing in the race for president, and he's promising that he will "hit the ground running and we will get America moving again."
Ben Carson used his closing argument to ask voters to join hands with him to implement change in America. "A movie has been made about these hands," he said, referring to the film based on his autobiography, "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story."