

Your Career: Becoming a Great Leader

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Tallahassee, Fla. (WTXL)-- Becoming a great leader isn't something that happens overnight, but it can be achieved through discipline, hard work, and commitment. 

WTXL ABC 27's Brittany Kleinpeter sat down with local businessman, Dr. Joseph Amanfu, to learn more about being a leader in the work place. 

Dr. Joseph says he believes that an effective leader must first focus on leading himself or herself, and that people will follow you willingly when they feel they know you and can trust you. 

Other steps to follow when trying to be a leader:

  • Be authentic to yourself -- don't try to be someone else. And don't fake it, people will see right through you.
  • Be very clear (to yourself and to others) about your non-negotiable values.
  • Admit your weaknesses, faults, and mistakes. 
  • Show genuine interest in people and inspire them to grow. 
  • Smile!
  • Be positive and passionate about life. 
  • Keep your word even when it's costly.
  • Allow people to make mistakes.