DALLAS, Texas (WTXL) -- Retired teacher Dale Irby tells the Dallas Morning Sun newspaper it began as a mistake.
A mistake that turned into a dare and then a 40 year tradition. In 2013 Irby retired as a teacher at Prestonwood Elementary and he retired a very groovy 1970s-era polyester shirt and coffee-colored sweater. The same outfit he had worn for 40 years in yearbook photos.
"I was so embarrassed when I got the school pictures back that second year and realized I had worn the very same thing as the first year," Dale, 63, told the Dallas Morning Sun.
When it came to take yearbook photos again in the third year, Dale says it was his wife Cathy who dared him to wear the same outfit again.
"After five pictures," he said, "it was like: 'Why stop?'"
While in his early years the outfit was part of his regular wardrobe, he admits over the years he outgrew it. But, he kept it in the closet to be brought out once a year for those yearbook photos.