

Volunteers needed to make special hats for newborn babies


The American Heart Association is seeking volunteers to help knit or crochet red hats for babies born during the month of February.

The “Little Hats, Big Hearts” campaign is a partnership with the Children's Heart Foundation to celebrate American Heart Month.

“Supporters are knitting and crocheting red hats to be given out to thousands of babies during American Heart Month in order to empower moms to live heart healthy lives and to help their children do the same,” the website reads.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Crocheting and knitting patterns for the baby hats are available at 

Organizers are asking for red cotton or acrylic yarn that is medium to heavy-weight and machine washable/dryable. They also recommend simple hat patterns and caution against bows and buttons that can come off the hats, posing a danger for the little ones.

To find out where to send finished hats, head to the website and select your state. The organization has a database of participating hospitals and points of contact across the country. 

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