BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP/WTXL) - Deputies are investigating after video surfaced showing a Muslim teenage girl being assaulted by three other girls.
The Florida chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Florida), Florida's largest Muslim civil rights organization, called for Palm Beach County law enforcement agencies to charge the females involved on Friday.
A Facebook video posted Thursday by the parent of the assaulted teenager shows all three females on top of the teens at once. The parent claims the teen was being bulled because she is Muslim.
The video has been shared on Facebook over 8,000 times and has been viewed over 300,000 times.
The fight happened near West Boca High School, where the girl is a student.
"CAIR-Florida receives numerous complaints of school bullying incidents and serious assaults against Muslim youth at a constantly increasing rate. We have reached out to the victim's family and will ensure that this serious issue is addressed swiftly and appropriately by local officials," said CAIR-Florida Civil Rights Counsel Omar Saleh.
Palm Beach County sheriff's spokeswoman Teri Barbera told the Associated Press that the sheriff's office is working with school officials to identify the females seen beating the 14-year-old.
Charges could be filed, though the spokeswoman told AP Thursday's fight may have been over a boy, not religion.