

Valdosta leader takes a stand against violence, wants help

Valdosta leader takes a stand against violence, wants help

VALDOSTA, GA -- After multiple shootings in the Valdosta area, Reverend J.D. Martin walked door-to-door spreading the message to, 'Stop the violence.'

Martin passed out flyers about a community meeting near Shanna Circle where the latest shooting happened in Valdosta.

Martin is the CEO of Citizens Against Violence and wants to address crime in the community and recruit residents to help take a stand against violence.

“We’re no longer going to tolerate what’s going on in this community,” Martin explained.

His goal is to get residents to form teams to help protect their community and spark a positive impact.

Martin wants to let the people who are committing these crimes know that CAV will not stop until crime is no longer an issue in the community.

The meeting will be held at the Ora Lee W. Community Center Thursday at 7 p.m.

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