TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL)— The Tallahassee Police Department received thanks today from the United Way of the Big Bend and The Shelter. Both organizations expressed appreciation for the diligence and thoroughness that the TPD showed in their investigations of allegations against The Shelter. TPD determined the allegations to be “unfounded” and in response both organizations said they would continue intensive and comprehensive efforts to improve the function of The Shelter.
The Shelter board fired two employees after completing an internal investigation of their own. Leadership from the United Way of the Big Bend and The Shelter announced that an expert consultant on homeless shelters and related operational issues is being retained "to conduct a thorough and independent review of the protocols, policies and procedures of The Shelter and to make appropriate recommendations for positive change" at the facility.
United Way of the Big Bend, The Shelter, the City of Tallahassee and Leon County all believe that this community needs an emergency shelter that provides a safe environment for the at-risk population, and they say they will continue efforts to make sure that is carried out.