

Tips on how to prevent getting sick on airplanes


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - This is the season for holiday travel and unfortunately getting sick, so if you are one of the 1.6 million people expected to fly the friendly skies this month, you'll want to listen up. 

Flu activity peaks between December and February and in a crowded closed-in space like an airplane, with circulated air, germs can spread quickly but taking a few simple precautions can keep your Christmas Merry. 

Taking the window seat may help you avoid getting sick. That's because experts say there are less people walking by the window seat thus, more protection from illness.

But what's the first thing you should do to protect against seasonal germs?  

Alcohol-based hand sanitizes should be looked at as a Plan B not a Plan A. Hand washing is a more effective way to kill germs.

Other tips, protect yourself before the flight. The Centers for Disease Control recommend getting your flu shot if you haven't already at least two weeks before you fly.