(WTXL) - Officials on the Pacific U.S. territory island of Guam are telling citizens how to try to survive in the event of a nuclear attack.
It comes amid rising tensions and alternating threats between President Donald Trump and the regime of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
A two-page fact sheet released by officials on Guam provides advice that is both detailed and unsettling.
It urges residents to find concrete shelters nearby in case of an attack, to lie flat and to avoid looking directly at the blast.
Guam natives who have friends and family still on the island are divided on how they feel about this.
Christian Tenorio: "This is, like, heartbreaking 'cause we have family there. And it's like our culture, that's just us, and without Guam, we don't have anything, really,"
Tiffany Stiles: "There's this fear, but at the same token we are confident that the U.S. military knows what they're doing and foresaw something like this happening."
The fact sheet also says to shower after a strike but instructs civilians not to use conditioner as it will bond radioactive material to hair.
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