

Thomasville Police sees increase in drug related arrests

Thomasville Police sees increase in drug related arrests
Thomasville Police sees increase in drug related arrests

THOMASVILLE, Ga. (WALB) - Since Sept. 1, there has been 25 drug related arrests in Thomasville.  

A Thomasville resident says she never likes to hear that this type of behavior is happening around her neighborhood. 

But, she says at least on her side of the street it's usually pretty quiet. 

Major Shane Harris with the Thomasville Police Department says the increase in drug arrests are due to the heightened police presence. 

"There's a crime mapping software. That software tells officers where there's potential hot spots, crime areas," said Major Harris. "Officers, then will go into those areas and increase their proactive activities in their efforts to reduce crime."  

Though there's been more drug arrests this month than in August, he says it's a good thing because they're getting the drugs off the streets.  

Harris reiterates that the presence of drugs in Thomasville hasn't necessarily increased, but their presence in those high crime areas has, which is why there's been more drug related arrests lately.