THOMASVILLE, Ga. (WALB) - For the past nine months, city of Thomasville officials have been debating over the City Manager and Utilities Superintendent jobs.
Recently city council members held a retreat to discuss those crucial positions.
This debate began after Steve Sykes, the former City Manager and Utilities Superintendent resigned last year.
Leaving the Thomasville City Council with the responsibility to name two intermin replacements for that one role.
Meaning for the first time in over 30 years that position was split into two.
For the past several months, council members have considered keeping the positions separate permanently.
In a retreat on Wednesday, council member David Hufstetler voiced his concerns with leaving the job for one person.
"The number one concern for combining those powers was too much power in one set of hands. That was unanimous," said Hufsteler.
Council members agree it should be spilt into two positions, but how the positions report to one another is the main concern, turning this into a lengthy debate.
The immediate threat to the residents is the impact on city property taxes since the city of Thomasville does not levy property taxes.
For now, there is no set time frame as to when a decision has to be made.