THOMASVILLE, GA (WALB) - Thomasville City Council members voted on the 2019 budget Monday night.
There wasn’t a vote to adopt the 2019 budget before one Thomasville council member addressed concerns about certain items, like the utility rates increase.
David Hufstetler said he doesn’t agree that there should be a rate increase.
However, other council members said these raises are necessary for any unforeseen disasters, like hurricanes.
Councilman Jay Flowers said that periodically having minor rate increases is more manageable for the consumer than having a sudden large increase in the future.
“This is a little change now, and if we keep putting this off for a few more years, we may come back and say ‘Oh, wait we need a 12 percent raise.’ Well, then it’s certainty failed, and it’s certainty a much bigger number for that individual user," said Flowers.
In the first reading for the utilities rates increase, it passed in a 4 to 1 vote. It will need one more reading before it can be adopted.
The 2019 budget passed unanimously.
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