

These iPhones, iPads will be obsolete when iOS 11 drops in a few weeks

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CINCINNATI, OH (FOX19) - A new iPhone launch from Apple is coming, but there’s a nasty side effect for owners of older iPhones and iPads.

Apple will unveil its newest iPhone on Sept. 12.

It’s also expected to officially push the new iOS 11 then, and that operating system will mean older iPhones and iPads are now obsolete.

Apple’s announced its new iOS 11 will only operate on 64-bit devices, which means the iPhone 5 and 5C and the iPad 4 are now obsolete. So, once iOS 11 launches, which is likely in just a few weeks, anyone with those older devices will no longer get software updates.

The truly worrisome part of that is most of those software updates include security fixes.

Industry experts also say about 200,000 apps in the App Store will not be compatible with iOS 11, meaning Apple will likely phase them out soon. Among them -- popular apps like YouTube Capture, a video recording app, and Infinity Blade, a role-playing game.

The Simply Money point: There’s not much you can do about Apple making those older devices obsolete. But you can check to see if your favorite apps are compatible with iOS 11. We’ve put instructions for doing that below.

Check for 32-Bit Applications

  • iOS 10.3 has made it easy to check for any outdated 32-bit apps.
  • Simply head to the "General" menu in Settings, then tap "About," and choose "Applications."
  • A list of outdated apps should now automatically show up to give you notice.
  • If you can't tap on "Applications," and don't see an arrow next to it, that means you don't have any 32-bit apps and don't need to worry about anything right now.
  • If you have 32-bit apps installed that are really important to you, contact the developer right away to see if there's an update in the works. To reach out to an app developer, simply go to the offending app's page on the App Store by tapping on the app name in the 32-bit list, then tap on Developer Website. From there, go to their contacts link and leave them a message.

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