TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The Tallahassee-Leon County Animal Service Center, in partnership with the Animal Shelter Foundation and Be The Solution Inc., is honoring World Spay Day by giving away free spay/neuter vouchers.
The vouchers will be distributed on Tuesday, Feb. 26, from 5-7 p.m. at both the Animal Service Center, 1125 Easterwood Drive, and the Smith-Williams Service Center, 2295 Pasco Street.
The free vouchers will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis to low-income Leon County residents. Residents wishing to apply for a voucher are encouraged to bring proof of low-income status, such as their EBT card, social security, unemployment or Medicaid. One voucher will be issued per household unless low income proof is provided.
“Spay/neuter protects pet health, improves behavior and lessens the burden on animal shelters and taxpayers by preventing unwanted litters of puppies and kittens,” said Erika Leckington, director of the Animal Service Center. “It is the single most important decision a responsible pet owner can make.”
Spay Day is an annual campaign of The Humane Society of the United States aimed at promoting the life-saving benefits of spay/neuter. This year marks the 19th annual Spay Day. Since Spay Day's inception in 1995, participants have altered an estimated 1,500,000 animals around the world.
The ASC, located at 1125 Easterwood Drive near Tom Brown Park, is operated and maintained by the City’s Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs Department. For more information and to view animals that are currently available for adoption, visit Talgov.com. Information is also available by liking the City of Tallahassee – Animal Service Center on Facebook or following @COTAnimals on Twitter.