

Weightloss Expert Points to Less Activities for Rising Obesity Numbers

Weightloss Expert points to less activities for Rising Obesity Numbers
Posted 11:28 AM, Oct 03, 2016
and last updated 11:05 AM, Oct 03, 2016

MIDWAY, FL - Many Americans struggle to live a healthy lifestyle and weightloss is just as hard.

Weightloss Expert and Family Physician Dr. Phillip Caravella shares some tips.

In his book "Weight No Longer: The Prescription for Amazing Fitness and Living.

1. "The single highest cause of death for most Americans is a sedentary lifestyle."

2. "Being overweight or obese is the primary cause of type-2 diabetes, a host of cancers and cardiovascular disease."

3. "For both children and adults, the number-one cause of obesity is inactivity."

4. "New research does NOT support the notion that standing by your desk or working in a standing position has any additional benefit over sitting for improving health."

5. "Good health and defeating weight problems begins with a daily exercise regimen before work, during the lunch hour or after work and should be done on a daily basis. Your body makes the rules and you will live with the consequences."

6. "Children spend on average 7.5 hours per day using electronic media and rarely exercise - worsening weight problems.

7. "Working adults on average spend 6.5 hours per day sitting while on the job."

8. "Every day that you exercise will extend your life expectancy and improve your quality of life by a far greater amount than the time and effort you put into it."

9. "Anaerobic vs. aerobic exercises: which holds the greater benefits?"