

Suncoast residents encounter alligators as mating season continues

Alligator encounters
and last updated

SARASOTA, FL (WWSB) - Alligator mating season is in full swing here on the Suncoast at least until the end of June and stories of residents encountering the prehistoric beast are plenty.

The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office shared some of their more recent encounters with the reptiles on Social Media Thursday, including a run in with a 7-foot pregnant female.

According to a tweet sent out by deputies, a newspaper delivery man encountered the 7' 7" gator just relaxing by someone's home!

The post also included images of a smaller gator spotted Thursday morning in Mineral Springs.

Alligators have been especially active this mating season with more then one showing up in residential pools and another incident in south Florida where a women lost her life after a gator attacked her by a pond.   

Experts say folks have to be extra careful and be aware of their surroundings, especially during this time of the year.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says mating season runs through late June and by early July females will lay an average of 32-46 eggs. Incubation requires approximately 63-68 days, and hatching occurs from mid-August through early September. 

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