

Study: Jogging at Easy Pace Better Than Intense Running


(ABC News) --  Training to run mile after mile for that marathon... is it actually healthy? ABC News Senior Medical Contributor Dr. Timothy Johnson has more.

Joggers -- ambassadors of exercise and good health, right?  What if running miles on end may not be as beneficial as we think?

Researchers from the Copenhagen City Heart Study looked at a key difference between joggers and non-joggers: Who dies at a higher rate?

They tracked both active joggers and couch potatoes over a 12 year period. Joggers did better, they found, but only if they were running between one and two and a half hours a week - and no more often than 3 times a week.

More than that?  They had a higher risk of dying - and if they were running at a faster pace, their mortality was just about the same as the non-joggers!

So this study recommends we stick to a moderate paced jogging routine - not to over do it.

In other words, "going the extra mile" may better advice at work than in your exercise routine.