

Seventh annual Filipino Festival held in Tallahassee

Posted at 10:53 AM, Sep 16, 2018
and last updated 2018-09-16 10:53:00-04

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - The Capital City is home to a number of ethnic groups and Saturday, the Filipino community celebrated its heritage and culture downtown. 

This was the 7th annual Fiesta Filipino.

Hundreds of people of all ages walked around, checking out the food, vendors and, performances at Kleman Plaza.

Clyde Diao, founder of the event, says it's important to share the Filipino culture with everyone in Tallahassee. 

"It has always been our dream to have a festival that basically showcases a culture, because we are so diverse," said Diao. "The Filipino culture is so diverse, because we have the Spanish influence, we have the American that actively stayed for almost 60 years, so we have those east, west kind of mixture of cultures." 

There was even a karaoke contest. The winner got of the adult contest got $75 and the kids contest, $50.