

Saying thank you to our vets on Memorial Day

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Memorial Day, originally known as "Decoration Day," is the product of post-Civil War America. It's a day to honor the men and women in the American armed forces.

In Leon County, there are more than 19,000 veterans. Sunday, three ceremonies were held to honor our hometown heroes. Folks spoke with WTXL about why this day is so important to people throughout our area.

"A Friend of mine, Jake Mundo, is with the United States Army," said Tallahassee resident Wesley Penberthy. "He's over in Iraq and Kuwait right now. He goes in between the both of them and his brother Nick Mundo as well is in the marines he's station over seas as well and so I would just like to thank all the veterans that serve in the military and all those that have fallen."

"I have a lot of friends who are veterans. Thank you to Hunter thank you to my Dad. Thanks for letting us be free," said Tallahassee resident Ian Mackenzie.

"We are remembering those comrades in all the branches of service that lost their lives in battle and had they not been on the battle field we may not be the people that we are today," said John Folsom, Commander of American Legion Post 13.

"I'd really like to thank all the military especially Michael Brown in the Marines my brother thank you all for serving," said Tallahassee resident Bryan Swain.

"What we can do, what we must do is never forget. We will never forget their sacrifice and they're service," said Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham at a Sunday event.

"Being prior service myself I was in the Navy," said Tallahassee resident Patrick Dillon. "I would just like to say thank you very much to all the men and women that are serving now but especially for those we have paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives which we celebrate tomorrow."

"Have a heart with joy not sadness," said Folsom. "Joy to know as Patton once said, "Thank God that such men like these live," and they should go away feeling good about themselves that they do have a country like this to live in."

We here at WTXL want to say thank you to all of our vets and their families this Memorial Day.