TALLAHASSEE, FL (WTXL) -- Tallahassee residents from the Woodhaven neighborhood attended a Local Agency Planning Workshop to voice their concerns about the rezoning efforts near Lake Munson.
If the rezoning is approved, the land would be classified as "Suburban use," meaning that the endless noise, work and dust the locals are currently dealing with, will continue.
WTXL spoke to some of the residents Thursday afternoon to hear how they are being affected.
"When they're in operation, there's rows of 100-ton truck up there filled with cement, rocks, and sidewalks and buildings," says James Egan, a resident of Woodhaven since 1979. "They drop them. A bulldozer comes and picks them up and puts them in this crushing machine. It sounds like a train."
Egan is concerned that the constant work he's hearing and seeing will only get worse. It started as a small sand mining operation in 1985, but has grown into something much more.
The major issue is that AG Sandy Properties and Sandco Inc. want to rezone this plot of land and classify it as suburban land instead of Urban Residential. This classification would allow for the light industrial use which is already taking place.
"That's not what this was zoned to be. They don't even have permits to do what they're doing," Egan complains.
One of the biggest grievances that they have is actually regarding the buffer zone. Residents believe the work is supposed to be at least 100 feet from their property lines.
The construction officials and even the city say that the buffer zone is only 50 feet, which has pushed all of this construction and debris a lot closer to their backyards.
Egan and other Woodhaven residents will be in at the Open House held Monday, January 23, 2017 at 5:30 in the Commission Chambers of City Hall.
This is a perfect opportunity for questions to be asked and concerns voiced.