

Residents voice support for Myers Park to remain public

Residents voice support for Myers Park to remain public
Residents voice support for Myers Park to remain public
and last updated

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Earlier this year, a piece of land in Tallahassee's Myers Park neighborhood was spared from unwanted development by nearby residents.

A group supporting the Historic Parks and Rec facility was there presenting the city commission with its vision for the parcel.

They have been on one mission from the get-go: keep public land public. They successfully fought off a plan to build housing there and now, they're hoping for meaningful improvements to the neighborhoods they live in.

We're talking about a 9.7 acre parcel in Myers Park that includes the city's Parks and Recreation headquarters. Residents have worn red clothing at city meetings as a sign of solidarity.

A five-point presentation Wednesday evening that residents say will bring low cost improvements to a piece of land many neighborhoods cherish.

"It's very important to the community that this land remain park land," said Gregory Youchock, a Woodland Drives resident. "It was deeded to the city in 1925 as park land, and it's our hope and intentions to have it preserved as such for the use of the entire community."

Some of those ideas include extending the Monroe Street bike and pedestrian path, adding more green space, and asking the city to keep the Parks and Rec buildings for community use if the department relocates.

Residents credit city commissioner Gil Ziffer for helping push this along. It's a continuing conversation about development between the city and a historic neighborhood.

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