

Report: Stopping your sneeze can cause serious damage

Stopping your sneeze can cause serious damage

LONDON (RNN/CNN) - Sneezing can be a pain in the neck, literally. One British man knows this all too well after he was hospitalized because he suppressed his sneeze.

The otherwise fit and healthy 34-year-old man went to the emergency room after he tried to halt a sneeze by pinching his nose and holding his mouth closed, according to the BMJ Case Report.

Doctors warn that stopping a sneeze by blocking nostrils and the mouth is a dangerous and should be avoided, as it may lead to numerous complications including rupture of cerebral aneurysm.

The report states that during the man's exam doctors heard "crackling in the neck" which was swollen, down to his rib cage, a sign that air bubbles had seeped into his chest.

To prevent infection and other possible complications, doctors admitted the man to the hospital, where they gave him a feeding tube and antibiotics, according to BMJ Case Reports.

So, for the sake of health, go ahead and sneeze, you just may look cute doing it.

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