

Records: Ohio State Athlete Found Dead Sent Suicidal Texts


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Police records show an Ohio State University athlete who had just gone through a breakup texted suicidal messages to his ex-girlfriend before he was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

Twenty-two-year-old wrestler and football scout team member Kosta Karageorge (KOH'-stah KAHR'-ah-jorj) was found in a Columbus trash bin Nov. 30. He'd been missing for missing several days.

Records show he texted his girlfriend early on the morning he disappeared, saying he loved her and wanted to talk, and when he received responses indicating rejection he replied he was going to kill himself.

Texts sent to his mother moments later said concussions were affecting his mind and he hoped he wasn't an embarrassment.

Karageorge's mother told police he'd had several concussions and spells of confusion.