

Receive a package you didn't order? Here's what to do

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Ordering gifts online is a quick and convenient way to get your shopping done, but what do you do if you receive something in the mail you didn't order?

With Christmas only 19 days away, the Christmas season is definitely here and the shopping season as well.

The convenience of online ordering makes shopping almost irresistible, but what do you do if you receive merchandise you didn't order?

WTXL spoke with the general manager of the Garnet and Gold Store, Mason Kaye, who says the company has adapted to the need for online shopping and has more employees on the e-commerce task to minimize mistakes on their end.

"We try to take the same approach with our customer service online," said Mason Kaye, a general manager at the store. "If a customer calls up and there's any mistakes, even if it's something that didn't fit right, or we made the mistake in sending them the wrong T-shirt, then that's on us."

Kaye adds, if a mistake happens on their end or by shipping error, the store will cover the costs and resolve the issue immediately.

What do you do if you order one thing but you receive something else? Turns out, according to the federal trade commission, you do not have to pay for merchandise you didn't order, even if it's shipped to you.

With so much online activity, mistakes are bound to happen, but one Tallahassee shopper found out there might by more involvement in fixing an error than you think.

Alex Workman, a local resident, recently picked up the Sony camera he was expecting. To his surprise, 2 cameras sat in the box, each worth $3,000.

"I reached out to B&H Photo in New York," said Workman. "They're amazing with customer service, but it was a little bit of a challenge. I ended up speaking with 3 different people over the course of 2 days."

Workman adds, he had to reach back out to the company in order to get the return label.

According to the Federal Trade Commission website, this holiday season, if a mistake occurs with your online orders, the company is responsible for sending a return label and covering the costs not you.