

Pet obesity becoming more of common problem

Pet obesity becoming more of common problem
Pet obesity becoming more of common problem

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Pet obesity now is a more common problem with 50 percent of dogs and 60 percent of cats considered to be obese. 

This is due to lack of exercise, over feeding, and feeding animals human foods. Talk with your vet to make sure your feeding them the right amount of food and they are at the proper weight.  

Obesity can cause other conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, as well as skin and heart issues in animals. 

"We want to try to encourage walks. If the pet is able to walk incrementally, increase the amount," said Dr. Eric Randell of North Hampton Animal Clinic. "Also over feeding is a big thing so you want to make sure you look on the back of the bag of dog food and feed for the dogs ideal or target weight and not necessary their current weight." 

With the growing problem of pet obesity, the repercussions can be serious for animals if not cared for properly.