

Nine Dead, Others Wounded at Munich Mall Shooting, Germany

Munich Shooting
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BERLIN (AP) - The latest developments on a deadly attack Friday in Munich (all times local):

9:50 p.m.

The trauma of the shooting attack in Munich has scarred those who saw it.

Hueseyin Bayri, who witnessed one teenager's death, said the shooter screamed a profanity about foreigners, adding "I will kill you all!" as he pulled the trigger early Friday evening. A video shot of the 18-year-old shooter also showed him yelling anti-foreigner slurs.

Bayri described trying in vain to keep the teen alive until help arrived.

He said "'your injuries aren't that bad, brother,' I said to him. 'The ambulance is already coming. Don't worry, it'll all work out.' Then he died in my arms."

Bayri said the teen's last words were "'please help me, please help me.'"

In all, nine victims were killed in Munich and authorities say the shooter died of an apparent gunshot wound.


6:30 p.m.

The U.S. psychologist whose book about school shootings was found in the Munich killer's room says often young gunmen research other perpetrators to find a role model.

Peter Langman, author of the 2010 book "Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters" told The Associated Press by telephone from Allentown, Pennsylvania, that it's younger shooters "who more frequently study other shooters."

Police in Munich said the 18-year-old German-Iranian gunman had a German translation of Langman's book along with materials relating to a 2009 school shooting in Germany and the bomb-and-gun attacks in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people five years ago Friday.

Langman said his book was written "to keep people safe, to teach people what to look for to prevent such attacks."

The gunman killed nine people and himself on Friday around a mall in Munich.


5:30 p.m.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's office says French President Francois Hollande has called the German leader to talk about joint security operations in the wake of the deadly rampage at a Munich mall.

Merkel's spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer says the call Saturday reinforced that "in these difficult times, it is good to know that France and Germany, the French and the Germans, stand closely together."

She says Merkel and Hollande agreed to "further intensify" the already good work together on security issues.

Nine victims and the shooter died in the attack Friday in Munich, while France on July 14 was hit by a truck attack on a holiday crowd that killed 84 people in Nice.


3:50 p.m.

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has declared Sunday a day of mourning for three young ethnic Albanians who were killed in the Munich shooting.

Thaci, who called it a terrorist attack, says he considered the two young girls and a man as "heroes in the war for the joint freedom and values in Europe."

He adds: "That act of violence has touched our hearts and Europe's consciousness."


3:45 p.m.

The Spanish government has condemned the shooting in Munich that has left 10 dead, calling the attack a "senseless, cowardly and criminal act."

The Spanish government says in a statement that it "transmits all its esteem and concern" for those "who have suffered from this senseless, cowardly and criminal act that has taken numerous lives and injured several persons."

It also extends its "complete support for the German government and authorities in the fight against violence and in favor of democracy and liberty."

3:10 p.m.

German interior minister Thomas De Maiziere says there is "no indication of any connection to international terrorism" in the Munich attack.

De Maiziere told reporters he had met with all top security officials and no police record for the suspect has been found. He adds that intelligence agencies had no information on him.

De Maiziere says the shooter's parents came to Germany in the late 1990s as asylum seekers.


2:50 p.m.

Chancellor Angela Merkel says that the country's security services will "do everything possible to protect the security and freedom of all people in Germany" in the wake of two attacks in less than a week.

Merkel told reporters in Berlin on Saturday that an attack on a train on Monday night and Friday night's deadly rampage in Munich had involved "places where any of us could have been" and have left Germans wondering "where is safe?"

Combined with the deadly attack in the French city of Nice, she said people are growing increasingly concerned.

"Such an evening and such a night is difficult to bear," she said of the Munich attack. "And it's even more difficult to bear because we have had so much terrible news in so few days."


2:10 p.m.

French President Francois Hollande has expressed his condolences and support for Germany after the Munich attack, calling it an "ignoble act aimed at spreading horror in Germany. . (Germany) will stand up to this. It can count on France's friendship and cooperation."

Hollande is holding a special government meeting Saturday where government ministers are discussing consequences and next steps after the Nice attack July 14.

Prince Albert of Monaco sent a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, promising "the solidarity of my country in the face of this cruel ordeal."


2 p.m.

Kosovo leaders say three ethnic Albanians - two women and a man - were among the nine people killed by a gunman in Munich. President Hashim Thaci says on his Facebook page the deaths of the trio from Kosovo was "shocking" and says his nation stands with Germany in "denouncing and fighting any form of terrorism." Parliament Speaker Kadri Veseli said that "such terrible attacks cannot and will not change our joint values and living."


12:30 p.m.

Prosecutor Steinkraus Koch tells a news conference the suspect had a book titled: "Rampage in Head: Why Students Kill."

Police Chief Andre says that the suspect appeared to be "obsessed with shooting rampages."


12:20 p.m.

Munich police investigator Robert Heimberger says it appears that the shooter hacked a Facebook account and sent a message urging people to come to the mall for a free giveaway.

The posting, sent from a young woman's account, urged people to come to the mall at 4 p.m., saying: "I'll give you something if you want, but not too expensive."

Heimberger says: "It appears it was prepared by the suspect and then sent out."

The woman shortly after reported that her account had been hacked.


12:10 p.m.

Munich police chief Hubertus Andrae says man suspected of killing nine people in a shooting rampage was born and raised in Munich.

Andrae tells a news conference that police have found no indications that anyone other than one shooter was involved.

Police investigator Robert Heimberger says the shooter was armed with 9mm Glock pistol and had 300 rounds.


12:05 p.m.

Munich police chief Hubertus Andrae says "no evidence" of links to the Islamic State group has been found in the home and room of the Munich shooting suspect.

Andrae also told a news conference that the crime and the perpetrator had "absolutely no" link to the issue of refugees.


11:40 a.m.

The mayor of Munich has declared a day of mourning for the victims of Friday's shooting in the Bavarian capital.

Dieter Reiter says the city is "shocked and aghast at this terrible act."

In a statement Saturday on Facebook, Reiter expressed his condolences to the victims, their family and friends, and thanked security forces for their work.

Ten people, including the alleged shooter, were killed in the attack.

Reiter said Saturday would be "a day of mourning, not of celebration" and that all public festivals in the city over the weekend had been canceled.

"These are difficult hours for Munich," he said, adding that the city's citizens had shown great solidarity toward each other. "Our city stands united."


8:30 a.m.

Peter Beck, a Munich police spokesman, said officers were still collecting evidence at the scene of the crime Saturday morning.

"With regard to the suspect we have to examine everything, but we don't know yet what triggered the crime," Beck told The Associated Press.


2:50 a.m.

Munich police chief Hubertus Andraes says the victims wounded in the Munich attack include youths, children.

Andraes declined to elaborate. Police say 10 people were killed, including the suspect, in the shooting in the Bavarian capital. Sixteen people were injured, including three serious and 13 not serious.

Investigators believe the shooter, an 18-year-old German-Iranian, killed himself and appears to have acted alone.

Munich police gave a "cautious all clear" early Saturday morning, more than seven hours after a gunman opened fire in a crowded shopping mall and at a nearby McDonalds


2:25 a.m.

Munich police chief Hubertus Andraes says the suspect in the Munich shooting is an 18-year-old German-Iranian from Munich.

Andraes said at a news conference that the attacker's motive was still "fully unclear."

Andraes said that the body of the shooter found about 2 1/2 hours after the attack was determined to be the shooter based on the evaluation of witness statements and closed circuit television.

Two others who fled the area quickly were investigated but had "nothing to do with the incident"


1:40 a.m.

Munich police spokesman Peter Beck says 10 people were killed, including the likely attacker, in the shooting in the Bavarian capital.

Beck says investigators also believe the shooter killed himself and appears to have acted alone.

Munich police gave a "cautious all clear" early Saturday morning, more than seven hours after a gunman opened fire in a crowded shopping mall and at a nearby McDonalds


1 a.m.

The German news agency dpa is reporting that bomb experts are checking the body of a man found about a kilometer away from the Munich shooting scene for possible explosives.

A backpack was found on the body, which is now being examined. Police have said they're trying to determine if the body is that of a shooter.

Police say the shooting attack in the Bavarian capital Friday left eight victims dead.


12:05 a.m.

Police in Munich are urging people not to upload videos or photos from the shooting attack on social media but instead to provide them to authorities for their investigation by uploading them at a special link online.

The link is

Meanwhile, police spokesman Peter Beck says at least 10 people have been hospitalized.

Bavarian public broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk is reporting that 20 people have been wounded in the attack.


11:55 p.m.

Police say the Munich shooting attack has left eight victims dead along with a 9th body that police are examining to see if it was an attacker.

Video obtained by The Associated Press from German news agency NonstopNews shows two bodies with sheets draped over them not far from a McDonald's across from one of the biggest malls in Munich.

Another video posted online shows a gunman emerging from the door of the McDonald's, raising what appears to be a pistol with both hands and aiming at people on the sidewalk, firing as they flee in terror.

Police are still searching the city for suspected shooters and Munich is in a transit lockdown, with trains, buses and trolley cars halted.

Munich police have set up a hotline for concerned citizens. Residents have also opened their doors to stranded people seeking shelter using the Twitter hashtag #opendoor.


11:45 p.m.

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has expressed shock and sadness over the shootings in Munich.

Speaking outside the U.N. Security Council, Johnson says if this is another terrorist attack "then I think it proves once again that we have a global problem and a global sickness that we have to tackle."

He added he had discussed dealing with the process of radicalization with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during a short meeting Friday.

Earlier, Johnson addressed the Security Council to endorse a British-backed resolution calling on the international community to help destroy Libya's remaining chemical weapons. It was Johnson's first visit to the U.N. as foreign secretary.


11:35 p.m.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff notes that the attack in Munich has taken place on the anniversary of another massacre.

Peter Altmaier told German public channel ARD that "today is the fifth anniversary of the terrible massacre in Norway, where young people, students were killed at will by a Norwegian citizen."

Asked whether the attack Friday in Munich that left at least eight dead could have been prevented, Altmaier said: "You can only have absolute security in an absolute surveillance state, and nobody wants that, it would be the opposite of our free western European way of life. "

But he adds that "this became clear again today, we can't talk down this danger ... and that's why it's important to give our security agencies the instruments they need."


11:25 p.m.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is being regularly briefed on the shooting attack in Munich and the government has sent members of Germany's elite anti-terrorism force to the scene.

Merkel's chief of staff, Peter Altmaier says "all that we know and can say right now is that it was a cruel and inhumane attack." He told the German public channel ARD that "we can't rule out that there are terrorist links. We can't confirm them, but we are investigating along those lines too."

Altmaier says numerous attacks had been prevented in Germany in recent years "but, and this is important, there can never be absolute security."

Munich police say eight victims have died in the attack Friday.


11:15 p.m.

Witness Luan Zequiri said he was at the scene when the shooting broke out Friday in Munich near a McDonald's restaurant.

He tells the Germany broadcaster n-tv that he heard the attacker yell an anti-foreigner slur and "there was a really loud scream."

He said he saw only one attacker, who was wearing boots and a backpack. Zequiri says "I looked in his direction and he shot two people on the stairs." He says he hid in a shop, then ran outside when the coast was clear and saw bodies of the dead and wounded on the ground.

Munich police say at least eight people have been killed and several wounded in the shooting attack on Friday, and they are hunting for up to three shooters. A ninth body is being examined to see if it was an attacker.

10:55 p.m.

The United States says it "condemns in the strongest terms the apparent terrorist attack that has claimed innocent lives in Munich."

Munich police say at least eight people have been killed and several wounded in the shooting attack on Friday, and they are hunting for up to three shooters. A ninth body near the scene in north Munich is being examined to see if it is an attacker.

The statement by White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says the U.S. "will work closely with our German partners to whom we will make available any resources that would assist their investigation."

He says "our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the deceased, just as we wish those wounded a full recovery."


10:45 p.m.

Munich police spokesman Marcus Martins says a ninth body has been found at the scene of a shooting attack in Munich and police are "intensively examining" it to see if it may be one of the attackers.

Martin says "according to my knowledge, we're looking for three suspects" in the attack late Friday afternoon outside a McDonald's in Munich that police say has left eight other people dead and several wounded.

Martin would not comment on the nature of the injuries to the ninth body but said it was not one of the eight victims.

It was the second attack this week in Germany. Members of Germany's elite anti-terrorism force are on their way to the scene of the Munich shooting.


BERLIN (AP) - Munich police spokesman Peter Beck tells AP the number of dead in a shooting attack has risen to 8.


BERLIN (AP) - The latest developments on a deadly attack Friday at a mall in Munich (all times local):

10:20 p.m.

Members of Germany's elite anti-terrorism force are on their way to the scene of the deadly shooting in Munich.

A security official told The Associated Press that 30 members of the GSG9 special operations unit are landing in Munich "as we speak." The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to be quoted by name.

Police say the attack near a McDonald's restaurant in Munich has left at least six people dead and others wounded.

Munich police, who are calling the attack "suspected terrorism," are still hunting for up to three possible shooters armed with rifles. No suspects have been apprehended yet. Residents have been told to stay indoors during the police operation.


10:15 p.m.

Germany's interior minister has cut short his holiday in the United States to go back way to Berlin late Friday to meet with security officials after an attack near a McDonald's restaurant in Munich left at least six people dead and others wounded.

Munich police, who called the attack "suspected terrorism," were still hunting for up to three possible shooters armed with rifles. No suspects have been apprehended yet.

Police have urged residents to stay indoors while the manhunt is on. Facebook has created a safety check for Munich shooting. Police have set up a hotline for people who are missing relatives and are sending out tweets on safety suggestions in four languages -German, English, French, Turkish.


BERLIN (AP) - The latest developments on a deadly attack Friday at a mall in Munich (all times local):

9:50 p.m.

Munich police spokesman Peter Beck tells The Associated Press that six people are dead and several are wounded in a shooting attack outside a McDonald's restaurant in Munich.

Munich police spokesman Marcus Martins tells AP they are aware of reports that a man has killed himself while he was being arrested, but said there is no confirmation of this yet. He says up to three suspects armed with rifles are still at large and being hunted by police.

Munich police are calling the Friday afternoon attack "suspected terrorism." They have urged residents to remain indoors while the police operation is going down.

They also are urging social media users to refrain from speculating about the attack on Twitter.


BERLIN (AP) -  The Latest on an attack Friday night in Munich.

9:15 p.m.

President Barack Obama is pledging to provide Germany with whatever help it may need to investigate a deadly shooting incident.

Obama says "exactly what's happening" in Munich is unclear.

German police and media reports say six people have been killed and others wounded when a shooter or shooters opened fire at a shopping mall in Munich. A police manhunt is underway.

Obama says he was late getting to a White House meeting on police issues because he was being briefed on developments in Germany, "one of our closest allies." He told his audience the shooting is yet another reminder that people's way of life, their freedom and ability to go about their everyday business depends on law enforcement.


9:05 p.m.

Munich police are hunting for a shooter or shooters and using the term "suspected terrorism" in connection with a deadly attack at a McDonald's in a city mall.

Bavarian public broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk says six people have been killed in the attack but police are only confirming "several dead and wounded" at the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall in the northern section of the Bavarian capital. Police say witnesses have seen three people with what appear to be rifles.

No one is in custody yet. All trains, trams, buses and subways in the city have been shut down during the police operation, and police are urging residents to stay indoors.

This is the second attack in Germany this week, after an Afghan youth attacked five people with an ax and a knife on Monday night near Wuerzburg before being shot dead by police.


8:45 p.m.

A Munich police spokesman says witnesses have reported seeing three shooters with "long guns" who attacked a McDonald's in a city mall.

Police spokesman Peter Beck also tells The Associated Press he is not yet able to confirm the report by German public broadcaster BR that six people have been killed in the shooting late Friday afternoon. Another Munich police spokeswoman, Claudia Kuenzel, says there are "several dead and wounded" at the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall.

Munich police are hunting the suspects but no one is in custody yet. All trains, trams, buses and subways in the city have been shut down during the police operation, and police have urged residents to stay indoors.

Hospitals in Munich, a city of 1.4 million people, have called in extra staff to prepare for the possibility of large numbers of wounded.


8:25 p.m.

German public broadcaster BR reports that six people have been killed at a shooting at a McDonald's restaurant in a mall in Munich.

Munich police on Friday night are hunting for the shooter or shooters, saying "the suspects are still on the run." They are urging residents and visitors to stay home, seek safety inside buildings and avoid public places. The city has sent smartphone alerts to tell people to stay indoors.

The attack, the second in Germany this week, occurred just before 6 p.m. at the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall in the northern part of Munich.

The German rail company Deutsche Bahn has stopped train traffic to Munich's main station and Munich public transit operator MVG has shut down all subway, bus and trolley cars because of the police operation to find the shooters.


8:15 p.m.

Munich police are urging residents to stay home or seek safety indoors as they hunt for a shooter or shooters who attacked people at a mall.

In a statement, Munich police say "the suspects are still on the run. Please avoid public places." They urge people not to post tweets or post photos of police operations in the city.

Munich police spokeswoman Claudia Kuenzel says there are "several dead and wounded" in the shooting at the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall in northern Munich.

Munich public transit operator MVG says all subway, bus and trolley cars have been shut down because of the police operation until further notice.


8 p.m.

A Munich police spokeswoman says there are "several dead and wounded" in a shooting at a mall in the Bavarian capital, and police are still hunting down the suspect or suspects.

Claudia Kuenzel tells The Associated Press that "the shooter or shooters are still on the run" - either in the mall or around the mall.

Public broadcaster Bayrischer Rundfunk reports that the late afternoon attack happened at a McDonald's restaurant at the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall in the northern part of Munich.

Armin Fritz, a reporter for public radio B5, says the city's entire public transport system has been shut down as police search for the attacker or attackers.

It's the second attack in Germany in less than a week.


7:40 p.m.

Germany's dpa news agency reports that police in Munich are saying "we expect multiple dead" in a shooting at a mall and police are hunting for the shooter or shooters.

Dpa is quoting Munich police as saying no one has been captured yet.

Dpa says the attack started at a fast food restaurant in the mall, shortly before 6 p.m. (1600 GMT) according to Munich police spokesman Thomas Baumann. He was quoted as saying that police didn't know whether they were dealing with one or more shooters.

The Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall in the northern part of Munich is not far from the city's Olympic Stadium in the Moosach district of the Bavarian capital.

It's the second attack in Germany in less than a week.


7:25 p.m.

Germany's dpa news agency reports that police in Munich are saying "we expect multiple dead" in a shooting at a mall.

The Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall in the northern part of Munich is not far from the city's Olympic Stadium in the Moosach district of the Bavarian capital.

Police are responding to the reported attack Friday in large numbers.

Munich police are urging people to avoid public places. "The situation is still unclear," they said on Twitter.


6:40 p.m.

Police in Germany say there's been a shooting at a shopping center in Munich.

Munich police confirm shots have been fired at Olympia Einkaufszentrum shopping center but say they don't have any details about casualties.

Police are responding in large numbers. German media say multiple people are injured.

It's the second attack in Germany in less than a week. On Monday, a 17-year-old Afghan wounded four people in an ax-and-knife attack on a regional train near the Bavarian city of Wuerzburg, and attacked another woman outside as he fled. All survived, although one man from the train remains in life-threatening condition. The attacker was shot and killed by police.

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the train attack, but authorities have said the teen likely acted alone.

(Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

7/22/2016 1:41:57 PM (GMT -4:00)