LEON COUNTY, Fla. (WTXL) - The Leon County Board of County Commissioners has approved a tentative budget for 2017-2018, all without raising the millage rate.
Officials announced that the board of county commissioners approved the budget in a 7-0 vote on Tuesday, saying that they had balanced the county's budget without raising the millage rate for the fifth year in a row.
The proposed fiscal year 2018 budget of $253.6 million is a 3.04 percent increase from last year’s budget. The millage rate for the area will stay the same at 8.3144 mills.
“Through the County Commission’s responsible fiscal stewardship, Leon County has planned, economized, and exercised enormous budget constraint,” said Leon County Administrator Vincent S. Long.
They say that they have taken the following steps to balance the budget:
• No change in either the Countywide Millage Rate of 8.3144 mills or the 0.5 EMS MSTU with an increase in property values of 4.8% Countywide;
• Constant use of $2.5 million in general fund balance reduced from $5.0 million at the height of the recession;
• Implementing a $12/hour living wage for Leon County employees;
• Supporting the Leon County Sheriff’s funding request to add 12 new positions to protect public safety;
• Adding six full-time paramedics and/or EMTs to Leon County Emergency Medical Services to better serve the County’s increasing calls for service;
• Leveraging $1.5 million in funding from the State of Florida’s Springs Restoration Grant Program by advancing $1.5 million in matching funds for the Woodville Sewer Design project to help protect Wakulla Springs and the County’s water quality and natural ecosystems;
• Realizing several million dollars in cost avoidance and budget reductions through employee innovations, competitive procurements, innovative approaches to facility capital maintenance, and leveraging financial markets to reduce debt costs; and
• Maintaining level funding for Primary Healthcare, Community Human Services Partnerships, and all other outside agencies.
When compared to other like-sized counties in Florida, county officials say Leon County continues to maintain the lowest net budget, the lowest net budget per resident, and the lowest number of employees per capita.
Before the tentative budget is finalized in September, the board wants to hear from you.
The first public hearing will be on Tuesday, September 12, at 6 p.m. in the Commission Chambers on the fifth floor of the Leon County Courthouse, located at 301 S. Monroe St.
The second public hearing will be at the same location on Tuesday, September 26, at 6 p.m., at which time the Board is scheduled to adopt the final budget and millage rates.
For detailed information on Tuesday’s budget workshop, please visit the Leon County website at www.LeonCountyFL.gov/OMB/.