AUSTIN, TX (CNN) - Police say a woman is facing federal charges after 75 pounds of liquid crystal meth, worth an estimated street value of $2 million, were found in her car.
Officers pulled Seline Lizbeth Ayala over last week for speeding.
Authorities say they quickly became suspicious about the suspect.
The suspect initially told police she was traveling to Dallas for a work meeting, but then her story changed, CNN reported.
Police say the suspect acted nervous and became "verbally aggressive."
A narcotics unit dog was brought to the vehicle, and the drugs were found.
Police say the liquid crystal meth was found in white jugs with the label "Purple power."
The woman's 4-year-old daughter was present at the time of the arrest, CNN reported, as well as a second woman, who said she was picked up in San Antonio to babysit the child.
The suspect later told police this was her second meth delivery, arranged by an unidentified man.
Copyright 2017 CNN. All rights reserved. Raycom News Network contributed to this report.