TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - A social media movement is raising awareness about sexual harassment in light of allegations of abuse from Hollywood studio executive Harvey Weinstein.
The allegations inspired celebrities to spread the word about sexual assault and harassment and now, many survivors are finding support through social media.
It's all over Facebook and Twitter lately. Two words: "Me, too." They stand for a whole lot more. Locals have been sharing stories and statuses about their experiences being harassed and abused, all part of a much bigger picture about a very big issue.
Sometimes a tweet is more than just a tweet.
Actress Alyssa Milano started a conversation with people around the world about a topic not many want to talk about.
"It gives people a digital platform to say something out loud to the world that they might not be able to say face to face," said Blake Dowling, the CEO of Aegis Business Technologies.
Blake Dowling says #MeToo going viral has everything to do with finding a community.
"People can say what's really in their heart if something is troubling them and again seek some comfort for others through that hashtag," said Dowling.
Twitter says #MeToo has been tweeted half a million times already. Women and men are sharing either just the hashtag or a bit more. That includes FAMU grad and actress Anika Noni Rose and several locals joining a growing group of supporters.
"I think, for survivors, the numbers that we see on social media are very reassuring," said Meg Baldwin, the executive director of Refuge House.
Refuge House says it's seen a rise in the number of abuse victims coming forward in light of the Weinstein allegations.
"It's very heartening for a person from my generation and in my position to see the power and strength and vibrancy," said Baldwin.
And whether it's trending or not, executive director Meg Baldwin says just talking about sexual harassment is a big step.
"Sometimes, just having one person to tell can be the beginning of a healing process that may take some time to resolve," Baldwin explained.
Baldwin told me that in addition to people posting #MeToo, there have been others that have simply responded, "I believe you."
Tuesday night, Refuge House is expecting a big turnout for an important event surrounding domestic abuse. You can find more details here.