TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — They were few in number, but mighty in sound.
A group of protesters taped signs on their cars and circled the Department of Economic Opportunity building several times with horns blaring, and its not the walls they're trying to get to come down, it's unemployment benefits.
Judy Tanzosh, who coordinated the event, says she first attempted to file for benefits March 27 after being furloughed, and has yet to receive any funds.
She says she and others are standing up for the thousands who are now out of work due to the coronavirus, and waiting endlessly for help from the state.
"So we have no money," Tanzosh said. "We have no way to pay our bills. And so we're out here today trying to bring attention to our legislature because we need emergency action now. If the governor is not going to act, where are our Florida Senate and our House of Representatives right now."
According to a new website launched Monday, Floridians have filed more than 1.5 million claims since March 15. Of those, only about 40,000 people have received benefits.
Federal data recently released shows that Florida has processed its hundreds of thousands of new unemployment claims more slowly than any other state.