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Tallahassee man sentenced to life in prison for Oct. 2022 murder

Man found guilty April 27 in Leon County courtroom
and last updated

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — A man of Tallahassee was sentenced in a Leon County courtroom Tuesday after being found guilty of murdering a woman.

According to court documents filed with the Leon County Clerk of Court Tuesday, DaVhon Young Sr., age 41, was sentenced to life in the Florida state prison system.

Young Sr. was found guilty Thursday of first-degree murder from an October 23, 2022 incident Leon County.

The trial took two days.

According to the State Attorney’s Office for the Second Judicial Circuit of Florida, Young hired the female victim for sex.

The victim traveled from Valdosta, Georgia and met Young at his Tallahassee hotel. After having sex with the victim, the state attorney’s office said Young strangled the victim to death.

He then retrieved a plastic storage bin, put the victim’s body in the bin and used the victim's sports utility vehicle (SUV) to travel to a rural road in northeast Leon County.

Young dumped the bin with the victim’s body in a grassy area located off a dirt road.

Young then went to Panama City before returning to Tallahassee. When law enforcement encountered the stolen SUV, Young abandoned the vehicle at a nearby residence.

Young also removed his GPS ankle monitoring device near the location of the residence.

Three days later, Young was detained by law enforcement and during an interview, admitted to strangling the victim to death, stealing the vehicle, leaving the victim’s body in the bin and dumping them on the side of the road and removing the monitoring device.

During the interview, Young said the death occurred after he attempted to prevent an attempted robbery by the victim and an unknown person.

The state attorney’s office noted the jury rejected the attempted robbery claim by Young and found him guilty of murder.

Young filed an Emergency Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus with the Supreme Court of Florida April 27 stating in a letter to the supreme court procedural errors and violations of the fourth and 14th amendments of the U.S. Constitution occurred with his case.