THOMASVILLE, Ga. — Friday and Saturday, the City of Thomasville plans to welcome around 30,000 people to enjoy its 98th Annual Rose Show and Festival.
Most of us can appreciate a beautiful orchid. Each one is unique, but all are colorful and absolutely stunning.
You can come see these orchids for yourself on Saturday at the festival.
The Thomasville Orchid Society is showcasing their orchids grown locally and they're here to answer questions and help you get your own orchids growing.
"Orchids are tougher than people think they are. They had to survive in the wild, so most people kill orchids with kindness," said Charles Gaddy, President of Thomasville Orchid Society. "Too much water, too strong a fertilizer. But if you're careful, you can have some beautiful flowers."
You also have a chance to see what other growers in the region have been able to do with their orchids.
This runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday at the municipal building downtown and we definitely recommend coming to check it out.