LEON COUNTY, FLa. (WTXL) — Leon County Government reopened Phase 1 of the Magnolia Drive Trail project to traffic on August 4, with its new improvements between Pontiac Dr. and South Meridian St.
Designed by the County and Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency, the improvements reportedly include an upgraded, constructed paved trail to provide connectivity, street lighting for pedestrian safety, updated landscaping, and upgraded sewer and water infrastructure.
The purpose of the Magnolia Drive Trail project is to improve safety and connectivity along the South Magnolia Corridor.
Pedestrians may now walk the new, improved paved trail along South Magnolia Drive from South Adams St. to Pontiac Dr.
The improvements were funded by the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency.
According to Leon County Government, intermittent lane closures along Phase 1 and the construction bidding process for Phase 2 can be expected in fall 2022.
Construction was broken up into multiple phases, starting at South Adams St., moving along South Magnolia Dr. to Apalachee Parkway.
Phase 2 of the project will reportedly extend the overall improvements and the multi-use trail along South Magnolia Dr. from Pontiac Dr. to Diamond St.
To learn more about the Magnolia Drive Trail project, visit Blueprint's project website or contact Leon County Community and Media Relations Mathieu Cavell at (850) 606-5300 or CMR@LeonCountyFL.gov.