TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Parents are instructed to notify the school if a student is feeling ill and to check the school websites for all updates.
“No mandates at this point. No mask mandates, there’s nothing. It’s different then pre-covid. If they get a test and they’re positive then they need to sit out for 5 days,” says Alan Cox.
Leon County Schools are starting the school year off with a clean slate. However, they do have a game plan if things make a turn for the worst.
“Being that school is starting then obviously there’s a risk for an increase in cases, not just for covid but of all the viruses as well,” says pediatrician Francisco Paez.
Leon County Schools first day back is August 10.
Leon County announced their first confirmed monkeypox case just days ago. With covid still lingering, people can’t help but wonder what’s being put in place for students for this new school year.
Though Paez says it’s not quite time to panic, instead practicing basic cleanliness can go a long way.
“It goes back to the basics. Be considerate of proper hand hygiene, alcohol and such, hand washing, and then of course coughing into the shirt or you know the sleeve,” said Paez.
LCS is ready for online schooling if necessary and have hundreds of substitute teachers on standby ready to fill in if necessary.
“If that comes around again, which we hope it doesn’t, but if it does, we cold go back to that. We are in a position to do that. Better than we’ve ever been,” says Cox.