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LCS hosts press conference to ask for more Volunteers to help with vulnerable students

The school district has benefited from the help of volunteers with a 20% increase in the schools reading levels
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — “A lot of these kids have to fend for themselves and so those most vulnerable kids, we are in desperate need of adults that can help that child,” Leon County Schools District superintendent Rocky Hanna said.

School officials are asking for the public’s help in filling volunteer roles. In past years the program has had over 1,000 volunteers but due to unexpected events numbers have dwindled.

Principal of RAA Middle School, Marcus Scott, witnessed firsthand the downfall of volunteers while working as principal over the last 3 years.

“Because of the pandemic there was a lot of restrictions placed on the city, the schools as a whole and we could not mentor or have many people on campus,” says Scott.

Now with covid restrictions lessoning the school district is ready to pick up where they left off.

Mentors are asked to spend 1 hour a week with a child providing guidance, counsel, and academic help if necessary. Principal Scott feels that the program helps build children’s confidence in and out of the classroom.

“Kids who have more help, more support, whether it's through mentoring or parenting. These types of avenues tend to do better academically, they tend to do better socially and mentally,” says Scott.

Research shows that when students have a mentor in their youth, they are 78% more likely to volunteer later in life and 90% more likely to serve as a mentor as well.