TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — The state of Florida is currently under a mosquito borne illnesses advisory after health officials identified malaria in one southwest Florida county.
"This is the first time in many many years where malaria has actually been contracted within the United States, so that that's why we're taking this so seriously" Florida Department of Health press secretary Jae Williams said Thursday.
DOH has been monitoring the state for cases of malaria since Memorial Day. "Now, here we are, roughly a month later and there's been a total of four cases," Williams said. Patients in each case have received treatment and recovered.
Once health officials in Florida identified the first two cases in Sarasota, they issued a health alert there and in neighboring Manatee county. They also began communicating with local governments to implement protection efforts. "You know this may look different from county to county, or even city to city, but at the end of the da,y you know, we are offering those municipalities with the proper resources and tools that they need to best prevent mitigate and treat this disease when possible," Williams said.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Malaria is a mosquito borne disease causing fever, chills and flu like symptoms. It does not spread from person to person, so, "If a family member were to contract it ... they're not gonna catch it or simply by being in close proximity," Williams said. But, it can be deadly if left untreated. "Malaria is very easy to treat and very easy to cure, but we'd rather get it earlier than later," he said.
Across the country, doctors diagnose to about 2,000 cases each year. DOH encourages people to practice personal protection, especially as more outdoor activity is expected throughout the July Fourth weekend and remainder of summer. Williams suggest you "wear bug spray, wear proper clothing, drain the water on your on your premises and and again don't wait around, be proactive."
You can find more tips for mosquito safety here.
ABC27 did reach out to Leon and Gadsden counties regarding their mosquito control efforts, but no one was available for immediate comment.