LIVE OAK, FL (#WTXLDigital) - At the last Live Oak City Council Meeting, one item passed was to add "In God We Trust" to the city's seal.
Councilman John Yulee Sr. requested the change be discussed at the meeting.
Yulee said he decided to bring up the issue after wondering to himself why the term wasn't on the seal.
Every Council meeting, those in attendance are asked to say the Pledge of Allegiance which includes the term "...under God..." and they live in a county which has "In God We Trust" on the County seal, says Yulee.
The Councilman thinks the term is a part of the community and should be reflected on the seal.
At the meeting, the other Council members agreed with Yulee and the decision add the phrase to the seal passed unanimously according to City Clerk, John W. Gill.
Gill says Mayor Garth Nobles is working to decide how the phrase will be incorporated into the seal but there is not a time line for when the change will be completed.