

Lack of ZZZ's are addressed in a new book


We all know the importance of a good nights sleep, even of taking a power nap, then why today with more sleep aids than ever are we are so tired?  

The CDC reports more than a third in the United States are not getting enough sleep, and now a new book by Arianna Huffington entitled the sleep revolution looks at why we lack sleep in this country, and of possible solutions.

Glenn Adams, M.D., of Sleep Medicine Specialists has worked as a sleep specialist since 1991. Dr. Adams said people that work long hours suffer from irregular sleep, which impacts the quality of their lives, and their work.

"Because shift workers are working 7:00p.m. to 7:00 a.m. the hospitals." Explained Dr. Adams, " Most of the main accidents we've had in our life, Exxon Valdez, Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island. They all occurred on the third shift, they all occurred due to insufficient sleep of the worker who made the mistake."

Dr. Adams explained medical mishaps occur most during the third shift at hospitals. This has been addressed by a reduction in work hours, and added breaks in hospitals.

The expectation in the workplace is that people who work longer hours will. be more productive, However, Dr. Adams says this is often the opposite, and even retirees are feeling more sleep deprived because of the growing amount of older people needing their loved ones to care for them.