

Insider attack kills 2 US troops

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KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Two U.S. service members have been killed in an insider attack in Afghanistan's Wardak province, a day after the Afghan president's deadline for U.S. special forces to withdraw from that province expired.

Officials say a police officer opened fire on U.S. special forces and Afghan forces at a police headquarters, sparking a shootout that killed two U.S. troops and two Afghan policemen. The attacker was also killed.

A U.S. defense official in Washington says early reports indicate that 10 Americans and at least 12 Afghans were wounded, in addition to those killed. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to discuss details of the attack with reporters.

Karzai ordered the special operations forces to leave the province, just outside the Afghan capital, because of allegations that Afghans working with the U.S. commandos were involved in abusive behavior.

In a second incident today, U.S. troops fired on a truck approaching their military convoy outside Kabul, killing two Afghan men inside.