

Hulk Hogan, Gawker Back in Court in Florida

Hulk Hogan

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) - A court hearing involving the Hulk Hogan sex tape case is underway in Florida, with Gawker Media asking for a new trial.

Gawker and Hogan faced off Wednesday morning in a St. Petersburg courtroom. It's the latest chapter in a years-long legal fight.

Hogan, whose real name is Terry Bollea, won a $140 million verdict against Gawker in March.

Hogan sued Gawker after it posted a video of him having sex with his then-best friend's wife. The three-week trial was a lurid inside look at the business of celebrity gossip and a debate over newsworthiness versus celebrity privacy.

Earlier this month, Hogan sued Gawker again, saying the gossip website leaked sealed court documents with a transcript that quoted him making racist remarks.

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