TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Two new grants are helping Leon County Emergency Responder's work more efficiently.
WTXL ABC's Jada Williams tells aobut what they are buying with that grant money.
That money will buy kits to train people how to perform CPR. You can even take these kits home to practice CPR on.
The county emergency management made a goal to train 8,500 citizens to perform CPR.
These kits can be distributed at any time, but mostly go out during events like Press the Chest.
And they promote using CPR that doesn't involve mouth to mouth.
They are also buying 20 laryngoscopes to put inside every single ambulance. Those are cameras that make it easier to see down airways when someone is having breathing problems.
With the old model, medics had to rely on the naked eye, but with these cameras, the process is much quicker and efficient.
But, before the grant money is awarded, Leon County Commissioners must agree to a match of $70,000.
That will all come up at Tuesday's Leon County Commission meeting.