

Governor Scott proposes tax cuts on college textbooks


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL)- As part of his "Keep Florida Working" budget, Governor Rick Scott is proposing to eliminate sales tax on college textbooks. 

The tax cut is expected to save Florida college students close to $40 million per year. And individually the tax cut could save the average student at least $60 per year on textbooks.

For students paying close to $400 a semester on books, the proposal is good news. "That'd be a great idea. Who wouldn't want that? Textbooks shouldn't be that expensive and they should lower the price down. That money could go to other uses, like the school for example or to fund other programs," said FSU student, Ali Khan.

But some students are already ahead of the game, saving money on their textbooks in more creative ways, like online. 

"I know textbooks are pretty expensive. I just download them from Google of PDF versions of the textbook. Usually my friends and I will just share PDF files of textbooks," said Paul Yi.

Yi added that he tries to borrow books from students who've already taken the class or who sell used editions of the textbooks. 

Governor Scott is also proposing to increase investments in the Bright Futures program by $23 million to cover students taking summer courses.