TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Today marks three years since the Strozier Library shooting at Florida State University.
On Nov. 20, 2014, just after midnight a gunman opened fire and shot three people.
Myron May, 31, entered the Strozier Library and shot two students and one employee.
Campus police and the Tallahassee Police Department responded and ultimately killed the attorney and FSU graduate outside the library when he refused to drop his gun.
Since that shooting, Farhan "Ronny" Ahmed, an FSU student paralyzed after being shot, sued the university for damages.
Ahmed claims the university failed to provide a significant amount of security to deter crime.
According to the August complaint, FSU denied liability for the shooting, saying Ahmed's injuries were the result of the shooter's actions.
FSU says that if the lawsuit can't be dismissed the case should go before a jury.
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