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2020 Black History Month Contest entries due Tuesday

and last updated

Volunteer Florida says they are thrilled to share First Lady Casey DeSantis' 2020 Black History Month Contests for Florida students and educators.

This year's theme is "Celebrating Untold Stories and Contributions of African Americans in Florida."

Students in grades K-3 are invited to participate in an art contest while students in grades 4-12 are invited to participate in an essay contest.

Additionally, students, parents, teachers and principals are invited to nominate full-time educators of all student grades for the Black History Month Excellence in Education Award.

More information about the contests may be found below.

Student Art Contest
The Black History Month Art Contest is open to all K-3 students in Florida. Each student will submit original, two-dimensional artwork based on this year’s theme. Two winners will be selected.

Student Essay Contest
The Black History Month Essay Contest is open to all 4-12 students in Florida. Each student will submit one essay no longer than 500 words based on this year’s theme.

Excellence in Education Award

Excellence in Education Award Contest is open to all full-time educators in an elementary, middle, or high school in Florida. Three winners will be selected: one elementary school teacher (grades K-5), one middle school teacher (grades 6-8) and one high school teacher (grades 9-12).

Entries must be received by Volunteer Florida in the mail or at by Tuesday, January 21 at 5 pm.