

FDA approves new birth control app, local experts weigh in

FDA approves new birth control app, local experts weigh in.jpg
FDA approves new birth control app, local experts weigh in.jpg
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration green-lighted a new app which helps women monitor birth control. 

The app, Natural Cycles, uses a woman's daily body temperature and menstrual cycle information to determine when she is most likely to be fertile.

Our local experts say the app could beneficial to certain patients.

"I do see some benefits, especially for what ever reason patients who don't want to or can't take any forms of hormonal drugs birth control," said Holly Klopfenstein, who's a family practice resident at the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. "Your body is not completely predictable so it's not going to be 100 percent effective."

According to the FDA, the app had 1.8 percent failure in clinical studies which involved more than 1,500 women.

You can find out more about the app here