

Drone Video Documents St. Marks Lighthouse

Drone Video Documents St. Mark's Lighthouse
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St. MARKS, FL (WTXL) - A drone hobbyist is making it his goal to use the device to document what lighthouses look like from the sky. And a recent trip to Florida showcases the St. Marks Lighthouse in Wakulla County.

It's all a part of Larry Peyton's "Project Lighthouse." This is the first lighthouse Peyton has documented in the U.S.

He previously used his drone to make videos of 42 lighthouses in Nova Scotia, as a part of a preservation effort.

He says he plans to continue sending his drones into the sky to show the lighthouses from a new perspective.

"So many people don't realize what they have around them. We keep our head on the road and our face on the wheel and we really don't pay attention to things because you see it so much and so often. And the drone gives you that perspective... You know when you fly in an aircraft and no matter if you're going to the same airport that you've flown in 50 times you still put your face against the window because it looks so different," said Peyton.

Each of the videos Peyton posts features original music from his friend Cory Webb.

You can check out Peyton's full St. Marks video by clicking here. His other videos can be found on his Twitter page.