

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Big Bend in need of volunteers

and last updated

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Big Bend is in need of both new male and female volunteers.

There are two options when applying.

There is a 'school big brother' that visits the little one time a week at school and then there is a 'community-based match' which means picking up the little at his or her house and taking them out for part of the day.

With about 300 kids still looking for Bigs, the CEO of BBBS says that while they need volunteers from both sexes, about 200 of those 300 spots need to be filled by men and there is no reason to be scared to volunteer.

"Everybody loves their mom, their sister, their aunt, but for a young boy there is something very special about that older male to look up too, someone to model to them," said Alva Striplin, the CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Big Bend. "There is men all over this community that our doing that for us, ask any of them, sometimes our bigs give the best testimony about what it is like to be a big."

If you are interested in applying, you can visit Big Brother Big Sisters of the Big Bend at their website here.