

Angie's List: Beat the Heat on a Budget

Hot Temperatures

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - It’s an annual summertime dilemma – trying to beat the heat without breaking your budget. Are there things you can do in your home right now to keep cool without sweating the cost? 

The sound of the air conditioner kicking on signals heat relief to some. For others, it triggers even more sweat as they feel their wallets being emptied. Your H-V-A-C system is your home’s biggest energy user, so the best way to contain the cost is to maintain the system.

Holden recommends avoiding the cheapest filter on the shelf. Look instead for pleated filters. And if you really want that bill to go down, set your thermostat up. Each degree you go below 78 increases your energy consumption about eight percent.

Keeping the blinds or curtains closed will also keep cooling costs down, but if you don’t like the darkness, consider adding some sheers to diffuse the sunlight.

Angie also suggests checking window seals for leaks; removing old, inefficient appliances; and unplugging devices that aren’t in use. She also recommends replacing incandescent lights with LEDs, which are as much as 80 percent more energy efficient, and using ceiling fans only when you’re home.