

NEW: SC amputee, 80, dies after being attacked by dogs

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HARLEYVILLE, S.C. (AP) — An 80-year-old South Carolina amputee has died after he was attacked by four dogs last week.

Carlton Freeman of Harleyville was driving his motorized wheelchair May 8 when the dogs pulled him from his chair and bit him all over his body. He died Tuesday.

Coroner Chris Nesbit said it was a wonder that Freeman held on as long as he did, considering the extent of his injuries.

Dorchester County Sheriff's Maj. John Garrison said three of the four dogs were captured and are being held in a shelter. Three belonged to a neighborhood woman and traces of blood were found. No arrests have been made.

In April 2012, a 2-month-old child in the same county was fatally dismembered by a dog in his home as his father slept nearby.