TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - With just weeks to go until school starts back, Emilia Andrea brought her kids to a vaccination clinic at the local health department to beat the rush.
"I have three children, so I know from the first one, the earlier it is, the better it is," says Andrea. "It's not that busy, so I wanted to beat that crowd of people and just be nice and quiet."
Nursing Program Specialist Ann Waltz says getting it taken care of early is a good idea.
"It tends to increase as we get into July and right before school starts back, it is extremely busy," explains Waltz. "It is not too early to get those vaccines taken care of and you can avoid long lines and frustration by getting it taken care of now."
Waltz says it's important to check with your healthcare provider now on your child's vaccination status.
"The immunization requirements do vary from state to state, so if you've moved here from another area, your child may have met the immunization requirements for that state, but it might be different from what Florida requires, so we urge folks to check into that early, not to wait until right before school starts back," advises Waltz.
For mom Katie Eder, the process was quick and easy.
"We had a great experience," says Eder. "The nurse was super sweet, she calmed Allison down and told her what a great job she did and so we had a very good experience today."
One thing off her back to school checklist.
If you do not have a healthcare provider, check with your local health department, as many will be holding back to school shot clinics over the next few weeks.
In Florida, for children who have had all of their shots on time, vaccines are only needed for students going into kindergarten and seventh grade.
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